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Across the peninsula, guided tours of Eagle Bluff Lighthouse (10249 Shore Road, Fish Creek, Wisconsin; 920-421-3636) will be available to festival ticket holders. A carbon copy of the building on Chambers Island, the house is decorated with period furnishings, some of which belonged to William Duclon, the keeper for 35 years. He and his wife, Julia, raised seven boys in the home; the children slept in a second-floor bedroom containing two double beds, a trundle bed and a crib.

Dear Upset: “Miffed Manager” complained about one worker who had the habit of announcing that she was leaving the office, with extremely short notice. In my response, I focused on the need of the employee to give proper notice, instead of the “permission” issue, and in that regard, I agree with you.

Gregory Luce, Libberton’s immigration attorney, has helped multiple people in this situation and said differences in the law mean that some adoptees automatically become U.S. citizens, depending on their age and which visa they entered on. But those who do not get automatic citizenship must go through the naturalization process; Luce noted that the fee, which is $725 and does not include paying an attorney, can be prohibitive.

I located a fun roundup of things to do and see along the Route 80 corridor on Attractions range from museums, spectacular natural sites, the country’s largest time capsule (Seward, Nebraska), to Lagomarcino’s legendary Confectionary in Moline, Illinois. I’ll happily meet you there.

Often, she said, women stop seeing their gynecologist once they’re past the age of needing contraception or services related to pregnancy. Unless they’re experiencing vaginal problems that really scare them, they tend to stick to once-a-year appointments (if that) with their internist, with whom they might not feel comfortable discussing their sex lives. Or, who might not point them in the right direction if they do work up the courage to ask about, say, “sandpaper sex” — Streicher’s term for intercourse that becomes painful when the vaginal walls begin to get thin and dry from menopause.

With nearly half of the U.S. adult population fully vaccinated and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention easing mask restrictions for vaccinated individuals, there’s hope that we may get a little closer to a more normal sense of daily life by summer. But if you are thinking about making travel plans or attending an outdoor festival or event, it’s unclear what situations may arise that will require you to show proof of being vaccinated, so you might want to start taking better care of your immunization card.

Yes, I think you will have to accept that your family members might not meet your babies until you and your wife can travel with them. I sense that you feel rejected, but I would caution you to understand that others’ bond and connection to your children will likely never match yours. Understand, too, that this is your family members’ loss – but they just don’t know it.