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“I think what you’re seeing now, every game that he plays, is that he is just kind of cutting it loose and not playing worrying about trying to prove anything to anyone,” Riddick said. “Really just kind of letting his natural ability shine though. In a couple games, when he first started playing, I think he would be the first to tell you he was trying to get through too many progressions, trying to prove he was a pocket passer, trying to prove he could quote unquote process and dissect defenses as well as anyone. The truth is he wasn’t really ready to do that. Now, especially with the last game they just played against San Francisco, he has just decided to say, ‘The hell with all that. I’m going one to two. If it’s not there, guess what? I run 4.3. I’m 230 pounds. I’m the hell outta here and I’m gonna make things happen on my own and I’m gonna move the chains and I’m gonna get us to another first down and then we’ll start again.’