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The Redwings have 10 players back after going 18-13 last season. Among them are senior infielders Luke Bafia, Cole Rosenthal, Luke Bremner and Brendan Harker and senior pitcher/outfielder Jake Perrino. The junior class includes pitcher/outfielder Lucas Lawler, who struck out 14 in 11 ⅔ innings with a 2.40 ERA, and infielders Joe Coffey and Marc Iozzo.
The Mustangs return seven starters, including junior pitcher/infielder Jeremy Wrona and senior catcher Jake LaVine, after going 12-17. Other top players include senior pitchers Connor Akstulewicz, Drew Hopkins and Mark Golminas and senior outfielder Jayden Malone.
Big things are expected as eight starters return from a team that won 22 games, led by senior catcher Colin Barczi (Vanderbilt), a two-time DVC MVP and Naperville Sun Player of the Year. Senior shortstop Pambos Nicoloudes (Illinois-Chicago), senior first baseman Andrew Gallegos (Parkland), sophomore pitcher Chase Reeder (Illinois State), senior pitcher Sean Lee (Milwaukee Area Technical) and senior pitcher Chris McCormack (Iowa Central) also are college commits.
Senior shortstop Tanner Mally (Western Michigan) hit .465 with 31 runs last season and leads the offense along with senior outfielder Cole Clemens and sophomore catcher Zach Bava, who combined for 36 RBIs. Seniors Luke Wagner (Carthage) and Tyler Vorwick anchor the pitching staff.
The Wildcats’ lineup will be less powerful but speedier and still experienced as 10 players are back after winning 20 games last season. There are three three-year starters: senior shortstop Josh Wenz (George Washington), senior catcher Mark Wagner (Parkland) and senior pitcher/first baseman Mark Mennecke. The pitching staff is deep with seniors AJ McEneany (South Suburban), Dilen Dabezic, Tommy Kuban and Stephen Bradshaw and juniors Dan Cercello and Peter Pipikios.
The Warriors return the bulk of a strong pitching staff, including seniors Jarron Thompson (Seminole State), Carter King and Brandon Pascual, although Pepperdine commit MJ Liyeos will miss the season with a torn ACL. Seniors Blake Pietryk, Mason Ringenbach, Jay Keeley and Luke Farley and junior Ben Ford are the top returning hitters.
Matt Le Cren is a freelance reporter for the Naperville Sun.