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The Bears approached Fuller about a pay cut to remain with the team but as it was explained to me, they wanted him to play for basically half of what he was scheduled to earn. That wasn’t going to work for Fuller, and he wound up doing better than that with the one-year deal he received from the Denver Broncos. I questioned unloading Fuller at the time, but I’m guessing the Bears believed he had peaked and was beginning the back end of his career. To me, a starting cornerback would have had more value than Graham, but the Bears obviously went in a different direction. Cutting Trevathan a year into his three-year contract would have created less than $500,000 in cap savings, so that wasn’t an option. If Graham plays really well and is a productive red-zone target this season, maybe it will have been a wise move for the Bears. If Kindle Vildor proves he’s ready for a starting role — and the Bears clearly believe this — it probably was a wise move. Time will tell if the Bears made a shrewd decision or put themselves in a bad spot.